Mary Jane Q Cross
MJQCross May 2012 Newsletter
  May 2012 Newsletter


Art Renewal Center- Associate Living Master

Volume 5
Ladies Luncheon
May 19th 2012
Tabernacle Church
Southington CT

"Pillar of Grace in Jerash" 40x30 oil on panel  New Painting of the 2012 season

A Woman's Luncheon with Artist/ Poet Mary Jane Q Cross May 19th 2012,

Come hear her story of dedication, obedience, joy, adventure, obscurity, fame and perseverance. Mary Jane is an artist who could not rest in being a victim of a tragedy, but has vision to encourage women with her story and paintings to believe we all can have purpose and destiny. She will share how God has placed her feet on a path that she has not veered from.

Starts at 10:30 am ****$15 per person****15 Paintings in  Artists Gallery will be on display.

The Tabernacle 1445 West St, Southngton CT 06489

Tickets (860) 276-0400    or

Schedual - Arrival 10:30 slide show and viewing original paintings

11:00 to 11:45 keynote speaker Mary Jane

11:45- 12:15  questions visiting and getting seated for luncheon

12:15 luncheon is served.


Directions from I 84 E  

The Tabernacle, 1445 West Street, Southington , Ct

1. Exit 31,

2. right off exit onto West Street 1.5 mi

3.Right onto Spring Street (300 ft)

4 The Tabernacle is on the Right

"The Contemplative" 30x40 oil on panel. Recent Painting May 2012.

"The Caregiver"
28 x 22 Oil

Samuel Armour Award   

Academic Artists Association Exhibition  Springfirled Ma, Karen Sprague Center




There are many prints available. Way too many to list. How­ever, I can send out what you need . If you visit my website and choose , I am sure they will be available at moments notice. Generally prints are $80. plus 6.00 shipping. The book is $50 plus ship­ping. Framed Prints $170 plus shipping.

If you call ahead to order a print and would like to come to the studio for pick up ,instead of having it mailed,  my News­letter people are welcome. There is also the viewing of originals as they are hung in the studio, or speaking about the Portrait Commission process.

Fingerpainter: The Artist and the Poet

The Artist's book of 37 paintings, 47 poems, and 9 essays
"Poems of a Painter, Paintings of a Prayer" can be ordered from the Artist. $50. +$6 shipping
Email the artist to place an order :

You are receiving this newsletter because you have requested to be on an information mail list or have had direct contact with the artist. We will be happy to remove your name if you contact me. Please email questions or comments to me. I truly will be happy to reply.

Mary Jane Q Cross
PO Box 724
Newport, NH 03773 - Mostly Figures - Mostly Landscape

Personal Associate Living Masters Gallery At Art Renewal Center

Copyright 2025 Mary Jane Q Cross. All Rights Reserved.
Design & Hosting by Functional Art Solutions