Art Renewal Center- Associate Living Master
Ladies Luncheon
May 19th 2012
Tabernacle Church
Southington CT

"Pillar of Grace in Jerash" 40x30 oil on panel New Painting of the 2012 season
A Woman's Luncheon with Artist/ Poet Mary Jane Q Cross May 19th 2012,
Come hear her story of dedication, obedience, joy, adventure, obscurity, fame and perseverance. Mary Jane is an artist who could not rest in being a victim of a tragedy, but has vision to encourage women with her story and paintings to believe we all can have purpose and destiny. She will share how God has placed her feet on a path that she has not veered from.
Starts at 10:30 am ****$15 per person****15 Paintings in Artists Gallery will be on display.
The Tabernacle 1445 West St, Southngton CT 06489
Tickets (860) 276-0400 or
Schedual - Arrival 10:30 slide show and viewing original paintings
11:00 to 11:45 keynote speaker Mary Jane
11:45- 12:15 questions visiting and getting seated for luncheon
12:15 luncheon is served.
Directions from I 84 E
The Tabernacle, 1445 West Street, Southington , Ct
1. Exit 31,
2. right off exit onto West Street 1.5 mi
3.Right onto Spring Street (300 ft)
4 The Tabernacle is on the Right

"The Contemplative" 30x40 oil on panel. Recent Painting May 2012.