Mary Jane Q Cross
Mary Jane Q Cross Summer Jewels July 2014 Newsletter
July 2014 Newsletter


Art Renewal Center Associate Living Master

Volume 1
"Grace Wrapped In This Life of Many Colors"

Finalist In Art Renewal 2014 International Salon Exhibition * Figure Catagory



                             Happy Artist.

Upcoming exhibitions

       This summers 2014 Show schedule:

August 2nd-10th  Sunapee landing Trading Company. RT 103 Sunapee, NH 3rd Annual Fine Art Exhibition- outdoor event   10am -5 pm

August 23rd, one day only, Portland Maine Congress Street Section E booths 2&3


August 30&31 Keene NH, Ashuelot Park  10am-4pm both days

September 6&7 Woodstock VT. On the Central Green 9am-5pm


Please dont hesitate to confirm or ask directions by email    Please note*This is my new email address

New home for
"Indian Paintbrush" 36x48


        It is such fun when a painting finds it's forever home. This one has been called my Mona Lisa, it is an honor that it is owned by a wonderful, gentle and lovely friend. 'Indian Paintbrush' was hard to let go of, but  the joy of the perfect place confirms why I am in this profession. There is never a normal sale, they are all so very unique. This one is loved in its peace and in its perfect place.  

Thank you J.  

         Another remarkable New Home for:"God is the Anchor of My Soul"








Film Maker Patrick King's Production Of Q CROSS: The Painter behind the Portraits


It is a 26 minute documentary telling the story of Art lost, and the quest to regain abilities and the joy of Painting. The film follows the painting " Comforting Hands in Trying Times". By Mary Jane Q Cross ARCALM (Art Renewal Center Associate Living Master)

To view click below link


LOUIS L'AMOUR quote " In death, what a man leaves behind is left in the hearts and minds of men and in their work."

Last but not least----  Just a glimpse for my special subscribers before the public exhibitions. My Summer Jewels.

1 2

3 4 5                            6           7


1. From Sea to Shining Sea 30x40    

2. Study for the Queen of Sheba: I Serve The God of Solomon 22x28

3. Present Comfort, 4. Imperishable Comfort, 5. Perfect Comfort

6. Now We See Through a Mirror Darkly.....

7. Tribute to the Artists Model: Unvarnished Moment.... in an Unfinished Life

(this painting is in  private collection but will be borrowed and exhibited for the 9 day  August show in Sunapee NH)  22x28  This will likely be exhibited only this once. It is truly not to be missed.

8. Eyes on the Shepherd  20x16


Fingerpainter: The Artist and the Poet   New Email address

You are receiving this newsletter because you have requested to be on an information mail list or have had direct contact with the artist. We will be happy to remove your name if you contact me. Please email questions or comments to me. I will be happy to reply.

Mary Jane Q Cross
PO Box 724
Newport, NH 03773

Personal Associate Living Masters Gallery At Art Renewal Center

Copyright 2025 Mary Jane Q Cross. All Rights Reserved.
Design & Hosting by Functional Art Solutions