Mary Jane Q Cross
Mary Jane Q Cross October 2013 NEWS
October 2013 News


Volume 1
"Gently Letting Go" 48x36



                                   Mary Jane Q Cross ARCALM 

                  Awarded Best of Show  for "Gently Letting Go"

                               International Guild of Realism IGOR

                                         Exhibition Oct4th  -  ends Nov 30th,

                        Tempe Gallery at Tempe Center for the Arts, Tempe Arizona

"Gently Letting Go

What stone in this life can you not hold

Visions self serving as we grow old

Leaving us drained of meaningfulness

Hollowed out with emptiness


Soften, yield then gently let go

The troubling pebbles from which we sow

Burdensome presumption of ours alone

That weights the heart as heaviest stone


Give to God the open hand

Lay down encumbrances and solemnly stand

He pours through your fingers, to full overflow

Fulfilling desires that you did not know


Until you let go of what you perceive

From Him the best you cannot receive

So …soften, yield then gently let go

That His perfect gifts may into your life flow


by Mary Jane Q Cross©

Copyright 2009

PO Box 724

Newport, NH 03773





Memorable night in Tempe with IGOR friends.


Upcoming exhibitions


                                         Mary Jane Q Cross ARCALM

                                                              Juried In

                                        "Sovereign Lord I Trust and Depend on Thee"

                     OPA Oil Painters of America, Eastern Regional Exhibition of Traditional oils,

                                                 October 20th-Novemebr 17th

                                             McBride Gallery,

                                  215 Main Street Annapolis MD  


With over 3,400 members, Oil Painters of America (OPA) is one of the leading art organizations in North America today. The organization is dedicated to preserving and promoting excellence in representational art. This exhibition will showcase the work of some of the finest oil painters in the eastern half of the United States and Canada. It is the first time this exhibition has come to Maryland.


Allied Artists Of America



                    "Noah's Daughter-in-Law in the Dovecote" also The Keeper of the Doves"

                                               By Mary Jane Q Cross  ARCALM

                                                             Juried In

                                       Allied Artists of America Exhibition

                                               National Arts Club, NYC

                                        November 8th -November 17th

Allied Artissts is one of the oldest Art Clubs in America and is approaching their 100th continious year of Juried National Exhibitions.





Film Maker Patrick King's Production Of Q CROSS: The Painter behind the Portraits

Has been recently premiered at The International TV Film Festival in Vermont October 2013 and the NH Film Festival in Portsmith October 2013.

It is a 26 minute documentary telling the story of Art lost, and the quest to regain abilities and the joy of Painting. The film follows the painting " Comforting Hands in Trying Times". By Mary Jane Q Cross ARCALM (Art Renewal Center Associate Living Master)

To view click below link

Fingerpainter: The Artist and the Poet


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Mary Jane Q Cross
PO Box 724
Newport, NH 03773 -

Personal Associate Living Masters Gallery At Art Renewal Center

Copyright 2013 Mary Jane Q Cross. All Rights Reserved.


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