Mary Jane Q Cross
December 12th, 2019 AUCTION Newsletter
December 2019 Newsletter1


Art Renewal Center Associate Living Master


  " I have The Perfect Lamb Lord"

                                   oil on Panel 28x22

This was painted in Spring of 2015, purchased wet off the easel going into  an excellent Private Collection for a few years.

 It then became a 2018  Finalist in the Art Renewal 13th International Salon Exhibition* in the Figurative catagory, where it was in the 2018 ARC catalog.

The painting was selected as one of 89 top paintings paintings in the world - out of Over 600 Finalists, from 69 countries , to tour in the Art Renewal Center Live Salon  Exhibition in 2018-2019,  traveling to The Salmagundi Club New York City,  Sotheby's in LA,California, then on to The Meem Museum in Barcelona, Spain.

The gracious owner had allowed it's travel for 10 months from September 2018 through early July 2019.



                      Auction  Date December 13th 2019  6PM

With a now strong provenance, the Owner is sending this work to the Douglas Auctioneers LLC, 241 Greenfield Rd, S. Deerfield MA. 01373,  (413) 665 2877 

Phone bidders will be accepted.They must call Douglas Auction prior to 4PM   December 13th 2019 to register before they can bid. (413) 665 2877

I do know there is a reserve.

The painting is  28x22" oil on panel fingerpainting. Framed. It is accompanied with the actual blue apron, the model had worn, a Certificate Of  Authenticity COA  and a Letter Of Provenance.  LOP. 

It is also accompanied with the poem and essay that hung with painting in it's 2018-19 ARC Salon Live Exhibition tour.  


                            Greatful Artist.


RE: Provenance to accpmpany the sold painting

This essay and poem below, hung alongside the painting at each of the 3 locations, in The Art Renewal Center (ARC) 13th International Live Salon Exhibition. The 89 paintings Toured from early September 2018 to early July 2019. It was the essay and poem's narrative  that secured it's place in this honor.

 It's provenance has been more than this artist could have asked for.

The World Tour Opening in NYC at the Salmagundi Club was attended by 700 viewers.

At the Sotheby's location in LA, Biola University asked permission for 'I Have The Perfect Lamb Lord" to be used in their 40 day Lenten Daily Devotional leading up to Easter2019. A poem, a piece of music and the devotional were chosen for each day. This painting was the selected image for Good Friday , a tender priviledge.

Included in the top 89 paintings of 2018-19 world wide, The paintings then traveled to Barcelona , Spain to the MEEM  Museum before coming home to the Owner in NH after 10 monthsTour.

                                   Painting's Essay

Purity is a singular perfection, as in a Passover lamb. My eight year-old- model had just learned that though newborn lambs are not named (since they might come to the dinner table) they are prayed over and blessed. With a resolve and a bit of secrecy she said, under her breath, "But I am going to name this one Heidi." With this tender moment we began the photo shoot--words of life and death hanging in the air around us.

Days of painting progressed well--both the lamb and girl were wrapped in loving tight arms as the rich blue apron encircling her dark garment was taking shape, holding the two together before God. There was a reverent seriousness in her, as she brought something to the composition that I had not expected, but recognized as uniquely her.

But as this work unfolded another theme was added as I painted through nights of tears and prayers for Bill Corey, a dear friend and art collector who was in his final illness. His wife, *Christine (the owner of this painting) and I often spoke, praying together for the trials ahead that would need comfort that could only come from God. The day Christine came to the studio and saw the unfinished painting on the easel, wet with my own fingerprints and tears, I faded into the background. Alone and stilled by her grief which filled the room, Christine could see that Bill was her perfect loved be let go of; to be given back to God. Their years of fulfilled times together had ended.... but Bill's eternity had just begun.

Portrait painter John Singer Sargent's quote on his tombstone is written, "To Paint is to Pray". In our family of painters it is the not so silent Spirit of God that weaves the fabric of our paintings and poems and that will outlive us in our Art.

"Art has a way of placing something worthy in us that speaks to the living part in us that is the soul and more richly the Spirit that only God places there, Soli Deo Gloria".

Mary Jane Q Cross 2018

* Christine Corey is allowing the painting to go on to find it's next owner that may now desire the healing comfort that this painting so blessed her own journey with. 2019


The poem is a part of it all.


Art Renewal Center Associate Living Master

                  The Painter and the Poet 

         " I Have the Perfect Lamb Lord"


Yes Lord, I found the Perfect Lamb, born the other day

without defect, unblemished, perfect in every way


Let Him be mine for a Year Lord

Let Him be mine to love

I will care for and groom him before You

Until he flies like the dove


We'll sit in the sun for hours

Laugh in the fields and play


Before You decide You need him

Please ...    some long day, forever away.


By Mary Jane Q Cross BFH , ARCALM, IGOR copyright 2015






Film Maker Patrick King's Production Of Q CROSS: The Painter behind the Portraits


It is a 26 minute documentary telling the story of Art lost, and the quest to regain abilities and the joy of Painting. The film follows the painting " Comforting Hands in Trying Times". By Mary Jane Q Cross ARCALM (Art Renewal Center Associate Living Master)

To view click below link


LOUIS L'AMOUR quote " In death, what a man leaves behind is left in the hearts and minds of men and in their work."




Fingerpainter: The Artist and the Poet  

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Mary Jane Q Cross
PO Box 724
Newport, NH 03773

Personal Associate Living Masters Gallery At Art Renewal Center

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